Sometimes landing forwards is better than landing backwards.
Stuart Brattey - All My Friends Do Mushrooms π
Brattey takes having fun very seriously.
Read moreJoe Atkinson - The Velvet Underground - Some Kinda Love 1969 LIVE
Camera Richie Eisler
Kids being excited to return dropped items is a vibe.
The Orange Wheel Company Video
OWC have released thier full-length in 3 parts, starting with Geoff Phillip and Tad Tregeagle, and followed up with the two videos above. Great team, great skating and a good release cycle for them.
We are excited to release the second installment of our first full length video βOrangeβ by Immony Men. This segment features Diomar Velasquez and Martin Danning alongside guest appearance by Immony Men.
We are excited to release the third installment of our first full length video βOrangeβ by Immony Men. This segment features Mathieu Ledoux and Charles Nantel alongside guest appearance by Nick Lomax, Francis Ali, Theo Chouz, Adriaan Poortmans, Dan Robinson, Isac Martinez, Sylvain Chaussee, John Bolino, Jeremy Bambery, and Daniel Millar.
Strong little part from Bobi. Man looks ready to send you on a GTA sidemission.
By Nick Kouros Β·
B Camera: Kostas Gounaris, Freddy White, Akis Rizos, Agelos Apostolopoulos Assistants: Akis Rizos, Freddy White, Jan Delbare, Kostas Gounaris
Music: Skeleton Raps by BONES
Jordan Williams - Always Wrong
Mick Casels - HERE NOW
Mick Casals - Denver, CO 2023-2024
Film/Edit - Foogie
Additional Filming - Brandon Bobadilla
Photo - Jarrod Banning #thecomedown βͺ@mesmerskatebrand7752β¬